Thursday, June 28, 2007

Facts about me ...

Were you named after anyone? Yes, my great, great grand-mother, who lived 94 years. I miss you momma momma!
When was the last time you cried? I cry over commercials - I'm a water head - LOL!
Do you like your handwriting? Yeah, but it could be better.
What is your favorite lunch meat? Low salt ham
Do you have kids? If you call Meme (my spontaneously wiggly shih tzu) my lil girl - Yes!
If you were another person would you be friends with you? Absolutely!
Do you use sarcasm a lot? Yes
Do you still have your tonsils? Yes
Would you bungee jump? No! Nodda! Neva! Make me - LOL!
What is your favorite cereal? Golden Grahams and Frosted Flakes, but I only eat Special K (with Berries)
Do you untie your shoes when you take them off? No way, I'm too lazy for that - LOL!
Do you think you are strong? Absolutely!
What is your favorite ice cream? Can't do ice-cream
What is the first thing you notice about people? Men - hands; Women - jewelry
Red or pink? Pink
What is the least favorite thing you like about yourself? I'm a chatterbox and can dominate a conversation. And I get depressed every Christmas and Mother's Day since my mom passed.
Who do you miss the most? Karen Morgan Orr - my fabulously wonderful, magnificently great mom. Not a day goes by that I don't miss her. I will always miss her.
What color pants and shoes are you wearing? Olive Green
What was the last thing you ate? Coffee
What are you listening to right now? Amy Winehouse - Rehab
If you were a crayon, what color would you be? Forrest Green, Emerald Green or Olive Green - get it - GREEN
Favorite smells? Chantilly Lace or Chanel #5 perfume - reminds me of my mom
Who was the last person you talked to on the phone? Mary - my buddy! Come rain or shine, Mary will always be one of two people (my lil sister Elayne being the other) that can put me in my place and make me roar with laughter - LOL!
Favorite sports to watch? Well, if I'm going to watch any sport for more than 5 minutes its going to have to be Football - those men with those big thighs and those tight form fitting uniforms - LOL!
Hair color? Strawberry blonde
Eye color? Brown
Do you wear contacts? Can't - I'm way too dramatic to put anything in my eyes.
Favorite food? Fried chicken or slow baked ribs or meatloaf - either served with potato salad, collard greens and buttered corn bread washed down with sweet southern iced tea and peach cobbler for dessert - LOL!
Scary movies or happy endings? Either way, please make it a happy ending! "One of my favorite movies is Deep Blue Sea"
Last movie you watched? Children of Men - oh Clive Owen, why did you do that movie?
What color shirt are you wearing? black
Summer or winter? Fall and Spring please - weather between 40-70 only for me - LOL!
Hugs or kisses? Kisses
Favorite dessert? Banana's with milk and sugar when I was a kid (I still do now, but very very rarely). Now, cake please - LOL!
What book are you reading now? The Target by James Patterson; The Quickie by James Patterson; The Tenant at Wildfell Hall by Anne Bronte; and Honeymoon sound recording by James Patterson. I grab one of the books in the morning and take it with me to read on the ride to/from work, I listen to the tape at night and knit
What is on your mouse pad? Thomas Kinkade
What did you watch on TV last night? QVC's Ask Lisa; and One Life To Live on SoapNet
Favorite sound? Lionel Richie singing anything. Piano or Cello instrument. My littler sister's laughter. Our firm's Vice-Chairman's son's laughter (Will is absolutely adorable - he had me at Beethoven - LOL!)
Rolling stones or beatles? The Commodores
What is the furthest you have been from home? You name it!
Do you have a special talent? Yes, I can take 2 sticks and a very long string and make a beautiful shawl - that everyone wants.
Where were you born? South Philadelphia, Pennsylvania born and raised.

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